A Message from Kate
“Thanks for visiting. You’re probably stopping by because you’ve seen our work, or met me recently (at an appropriately social distance, of course). The Hard History Project is both new and old. It’s new in the sense that it’s grown from hundreds of conversations with teachers and historians over the last decade. And it’s old, because we have deep roots growing out of work such as managing Teaching Tolerance’s Teaching Hard History initiative.
I have big ideas, and I’ve been lucky to work with diverse teams to make them happen. We’ve made podcasts, found new ways to talk about Indigenous enslavement, and figured out how to do the Open Society Institute’s debate promotion work for a fraction of the estimated price.
But – and I want to be clear– this is not the Kate Show. I’m happy to run this shop, but the core idea here is to build teams of experts explicitly tailored to meet your needs.
Need field trip dollars? Match up with what real-life educators need to make the case for buses.
Want to rehab your retail and education operations? Let’s talk about selling more and better books while you move beyond obsolete one-size lesson plans.